
Friday, December 20, 2013



I'm super excited to share a wonderful blogger's fitness exercises today! I'm sure many of you know about Cassey Ho and her awesome blog, Blogilates!

Cassey Ho!

She has a wonderful website filled with great exercises and recipes. :) I think it is so beautiful that she is able to help so many people in their journey to fitness, so today I'll be sharing a few of her newest exercise videos which you will definitely enjoy! She has soooo many exercise videos posted on Youtube- here is her channel: Blogilates Youtube!

Have you seen her newest Hunger Games exercise??! This is the video!

Are you interested in ab workouts? Personally, I never get tired of doing abs! What's your favorite part of your body to train?? Comment and let me know!! For all of you who love to do abs, here is Cassey's workout video! It isn't even that long. :) I actually did this workout today, and it was a really good workout that made me get pretty tired. :)

Try these exercises and then tell me what you think! And by the way, if you haven't seen Cassey's store, I would definitely go check it out: Blogilates Store!

Have a wonderful day :) May the Lord bless you continuously this holiday! 


1 comment:

  1. I really found this very useful information that helps my fitness program. I am thankful for sharing you this. This is a great time for me to watch other fitness program in order to maintain my balance diet.
